
Architect William McDonough and Chemist Michael Braungart co-authored this book, which revolves around the philosophy of “cradle-to-cradle” systems versus the “cradle-to-grave” system that our industrial model follows. They use an accessible tone to explain the reasons why we must move towards more holistic patterns of manufacture, consumption and reuse, in order to truly minimize (or ideally eliminate) the concept of waste in our society. Instead, they propose, our industry could be a “metabolism” which digests biodegradable wastes and reuses separated “technical nutrients” like metals and plastics in such a way so that their quality and usefulness never degrades.
Healing with Whole Foods, by Paul Pitchford, is a nutrition and wellness encyclopedia, as well as a guidebook and a cookbook that blends the nutritional teachings and findings of traditional Eastern medicine and Western science. This book sets itself apart from other nutrition texts in two ways: It introduces nutrition as a preventative and a healing medicine, and in the same way that each person would be treated differently in an allopathic doctor’s office, so too each person’s nutritional treatment will be personalized. It also talks of nutrition and health in an integrative and holistic way, never separating health from the many other aspects of life that affect overall wellbeing.